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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust


Welcome to Foundation!

Foundation Staff

Our learning last week (22nd- 26th April):


This week we have started our text "The Extraordinary Gardener" and found out about Joe's dull and boring world. We have started looking at "teen" numbers up to 14. We have looked at finding 10 and 1 more to make 11 and 1 more to make 12 etc. 

We have learnt about different plants and what each part of a plant is called. We have also been on a plant hunt to identify different plants in the school grounds. We are continuing to watch our caterpillars and chicken eggs grow as hoping to see some chrysalises on Monday when we return to school.


On Wednesday we had a fab time at Waltham Place exploring their cottage garden, meeting the farm animals and playing leaf snap in the woods.


Next week we will be starting our "Bikeability" programme which helps children to learn how to ride a balance bike. We will begin with those children who are unable to ride a balance bike and work up to those who are already riding bikes independently. Helmets and bikes are provided by the scheme but please have trainers in school every day as we do not want to scuff their school shoes as we teach the children to stop the bike with their feet.


Our PE day is Friday but please bring in kits on a Monday where they can stay in the children's lockers until Friday, as they will need trainers for their Bikeability sessions too. Please make sure your child can dress and undress themselves independently.


Junk Modelling Area

This is still a very popular area of the classroom, so if you have any unwanted yoghurt pots, cardboard tubes, small boxes, vegetable spread pots, string or ribbon. All donations would be very gratefully received.


Reading Books

Please can I remind you that reading books will only be changed on a Monday unless your child is absent or it is a bank holiday. Please can you write a comment to say that you have read your child's book with them, unless the book has been read on 3 different occasions the reading book will not be changed. Many Thanks
