Welcome to Foundation!
Foundation Staff:
It was lovely to welcome so many of you into the classroom on Thursday. Please find Mrs Denham's and my PowerPoint under helpful information.
Week 1 - All About Me
This week, we were introduced to all of the Read, Write, Inc. phonics pictures that match each sound. For example, the sound 'm' has a mountain as its picture which will help us to recognise initial sounds and also to form the letter. We have gone through all 26 single letter sounds and next week will begin our phonics journey by learning the sounds 'm', 'a', 's', 'd' and 't'.
We have been reading the story of 'The Growing Story' by Ruth Krauss. This is a story about a boy who finds it tricky to see that he is growing when comparing himself to other things that grow such as a puppy, a chick and even the grass. By the end of the story, the boy realises he is growing because his clothes from the year before don't fit him anymore. We have been talking about how we know we are growing and the changes our bodies have gone through so far.
Continuous Provision
We have enjoyed exploring the foundation classroom and outdoor area this week. We have drawn our families and talked about who we live with. We have completed self-portraits using pencils and watercolour. In the different areas of our classroom we have taken part if various activities including painting, building, role play, counting and fine motor activities. Lots of these can be seen in our class page photos.