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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust


Welcome to Foundation!

Foundation Staff:


Week 8 (25th-29th November) - Starry Night



This week, we have continued embedding our knowledge of all of the set 1 single letter sounds. Some pupils have also learnt the first 'special friend' sounds 'sh', 'ch', ‘th’ and ‘qu’. Please support at home by practising reading and writing each of these.



This week we have started to read the story  'Way Back Home' by Oliver Jeffers.  The story is about a little boy who one day finds an aeroplane in his cupboard and then the adventure begins! He reaches the moon and forgets the way back home. Will he find the way back home?



We have started our final writing unit of the term ‘My Christmas List’. We are all very excited for Christmas and will be creating a list of things we would like to magically send to Santa! This week, we have looked at some examples of Christmas lists, made a checklist of things to include in our lists and made the front covers.



We have started our next unit of learning '1, 2, 3, 4, 5!'. We have been working on finding one and one less and understanding the composition of numbers 1 to 5. For example, that 4 is made up of a 2 and a 2, or a 3 and a 1.


Big Picture

This week we have focussed on the story of ‘Peace at Last’ and ‘Whatever Next’, by Jill Murphy. We created soundscapes for each place Mr Bear struggles to sleep in the story of ‘Peace at Last’ and we made our own rocket like Baby Bear in the story of ‘Whatever Next’.







