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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


Our learning last week:

In English last week we started to explore our story 'The Rhythm of the Rain'. This is a wonderful book about the journey of the water cycle. We have found it very informative but also an exciting read, with lots of beautiful illustrations. We have loved looking closely at the images to create descriptive phrases for our writing. 


In maths we are still learning about fractions. Last week we learnt to add and subtract fractions. Can you remember whether you change the numerator or denominator?


In art, we started our rainforest dioramas! We created a simple bird shape and cut this out. Then, we had to use the template to make smaller versions of our bird shape which will make our bird look thicker so it stands out more. We can't wait to finish our projects- the children have been so excited about them!


In PE, we are learning to play tennis. So far we have used floor tennis to practise our co-ordination and to help us aim the ball in the right direction. We have also learnt to hit the ball to a partner who catches the ball. Some of us has even managed to play a short rally!


In science, we continued our topic on the states of matter. We explored ways to make ice melt quickly and had a competition to see who could get their ice to melt the fastest. We then planned out our experiment for next week, where we will compare the melting rates of different solids. 


*Remember, when we come back we are immersing ourselves in our new topic 'Under the Canopy'. A few weeks into our topic we will be creating a diorama of the rainforest canopy. If you are buying new school shoes over the holidays or have anything arrive in a box, please may you hang onto it as children will need a box to make their diorama in. Thank you in advance!*
