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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 2


Welcome to Year 2!

Our learning last week (22nd April - 26th April):



In English this week, we have started learning about the story of 'Hermelin - The Detective Mouse' by Mini Grey. We started by making predictions about the story and finding out about the new and exciting vocabulary. This has helped us to prepare to begin thinking about our detective narratives. We analysed the language and structural features of the story which included paragraphs, plural words ending in -s and -es, prefix un- words, noun phrases, exclamation marks and question marks.



This week in Maths we have started to learn about fractions. This is a difficult concept but we have been trying to use our understanding multiplication and division. We have looked at equal and unequal parts, recognising a 1/2 and finding a half of objects and numbers. 



This week we began our lesson by drawing round each on the playground and labelling our different body parts! We then linked each sense to its corresponding body part. After, we engaged in a whole class investigation to answer the question 'are the oldest children in our class the tallest?'. We explored how to lay out a scientific investigation. This included making a prediction, discussing our method, recording our results in a table and then writing down our findings. After our investigation we found out that a child's age didn't matter, they were necessarily the tallest even if they were one of the oldest in the class. We discussed that there are lots of different factors that can affect this. 


Design Technology

This week, have been learning about how to make a structure. A structure is a 3D object made up on different parts. We explored joining techniques, such as a flange and an L-brace, to make our structures more stable. We will be making our very own model village of White Waltham next week using these techniques.



In RE, we will be learning about Judaism. We started the unit of learning by thinking about what we do at the weekend and how this makes us feel. We enjoy a variety of activities such as going outside in the garden, going to the cinema and playing games with our families.



In PE this term we will be focussing tennis and cricket. In both PE lessons we have focussed on our hand eye coordination by practising underarm throws, both with and without a bounce on the floor, to a partner. We also looked at the forehand shot and how to control our shots using the rackets.
