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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 2


Welcome to Year 2!

Recorder Concert

Just a reminder that we will be performing our recorders for you all on Thursday 27th June at 3pm with Year 1! 

We are really looking forward to it.



In English this week, we have written out own version of 'The Night Gardener' with William form the story as the new night gardener. In the story, we decided what William would be doing, such as sculpting new topiary outside the orphanage or in Grimloch Park. We then introduced a new character who wanted to join him in his work. At the end of our stories the new character was given a gift from William to continue gardening. We included similes, adjectives and also challenged ourselves to include suffix and prefix words.



This week in Maths we completed our unit on statistics by interpreting pictograms (2, 5 and 10) and finish with our end of unit check. On Wednesday we began our final unit on position and direction. We were introduced to the language used and how to describe different types of turns. It was a great opportunity to explore outdoors and practice the turns we were describing. 



We have had a brilliant time this week learning how to play the B, A and G notes ready to practise 'hot cross buns' on our recorders. We played along to a song by playing to the beat. When learning how to play ;hot cross buns' we discussed how to hold the recorder and which fingers are to be places over which holes. We are looking forward to welcoming Year 1 and 2 parents next Thursday at 3pm for a recorder concert!



We have continued learning our dance for the production of Aladdin. In athletics we focussed on shotput and long jump learning the key techniques that will help us improve performance. 



In science this week, we have thought about seasonal changes and summer. We recapped our learning about daylight hours and how the earth is tilted towards the sun during summer. This means that our days feel longer as there is more sunlight. We went on a summer time walk in the orchard and ticked off and drew/labelled some signs of summer. These included green trees, freshly cut grass, wildlife and fruit growing. It was great to explore the same area from our spring walk and observe all the changes between the seasons!

