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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Photo Gallery

D+T- We made our pneumatic creatures!

Science- We have set up an experiment to see how quickly water evaporates in different conditions

D+T- We practised making a pneumatic system using 2 syringes and plastic tubing. We had to work out how to connect the syringes so one would move in and out just using air pressure.

Science- We tested the melting temperatures of butter, ice and chocolate.

Science- We had a competition to see which table could melt an ice cube the fastest!

Immersion- Geography. We used atlases to find countries with rainforests, and learnt about the countries that the Amazon rainforest covers

Immersion- We went birdwatching in the afternoon!

Immersion- Art. We learnt to draw tropical birds and feathers using different media. We conducted a class gallery at the end to appreciate everyone's work

PE- We learnt to play hockey! We had to use the flat side of the stick and make sure we kept the ball under control, whilst looking where we were going.

D+T- We had to build our circuits and include a motor. We attached the wires and had to make sure the motor turned the right way to move the vehicle forwards.

Orienteering- We learnt to direct each other through orienteering. We had to work in pairs with one of us blindfolded! The other partner had to give directions using compass points.

Art- We developed our watercolour skills and learnt to make a gradient. Then, we applied this new skills to geography by painting a population density map of Africa

D+T Day- We made electric fans to help Wallace score goals against Grommit. Ask us about how we built the circuit and the materials we used to make the fan propellers

Computing Day- We learnt to use micro:bits and programmed the LEDs to show an animated image

Science- We investigated the diet of different animals by using playdough to represent their waste! Talk to us about how we knew which sample belonged to each animal.

Science- We investigated the digestive system and learnt the purpose of each organ

Art- Our finished clay masks

Art- We made our clay masks and used relief and impression to add details.

Science- We investigated how different liquids affect our teeth. We used eggs to represent the enamel on our teeth.

Science- We found out about plaque on our teeth and how to keep our teeth healthy

Computing- We used Scratch to create shapes and spirographs inspired by patterns we saw in African artwork

Maidenhead Mosque Trip

Immersion Days- Timelines and African flags!
