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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Our topic this term

W/C - 14/10


English: In English this week year 5 have dabbled ideas for their memoir. We have discussed various memories that are associated with different feelings and also important people in our lives. One memory was then chosen to write their memoir about. With this in mind we planned out the sequence of their memory the feelings associated with it.  We have also worked on the setting description for their memory.


Maths: This week we have completed our current block of teaching 'Addition and Subtraction'. We have covered  subtracting whole numbers with more than four digits, rounding to check answers, inverse operations (addition and subtraction) and multi-step addition and subtraction problems. We have also completed our end of block assessment for this topic.


RE - In RE our big question this half term is Creation and science: conflicting or complementary? As a class we discussed the various different beliefs some Christian's may have regarding cosmology and evolution. On a line we plotted these according to whether all Christians would believe the various statements or no Christians would believe it.


PE - This term we will be taking part in football and tag rugby for PE

W/C 07/10

English: In English this week year 5 have published their diary entries from the perspective of Rose Blanche. We have discussed our next extended write which will consist of writing a memoir. In preparation of this we have analysed a WAGOLL of a memoir and identified key grammatical features.


Maths: This week we have begun our next block of teaching which will be 'Addition and Subtraction'. We have looked at mental strategies that can help us with addition and subtraction and also looked at applying these skills within addition of numbers larger than four digits.


DT: In Dt this week we looked at vegetable turnovers and looked at how many pastries during WW2 would not contain meet due to the rationing but the 'Dig For Victory' propaganda posters that were circulated at the time would have led many civilians to grow their own vegetables. We looked at different seasonal vegetables and the positives and negatives of this would be. We then analysed some existing vegetarian products. Students then practiced cutting skills before finally creating their own turnover (as I'm sure many of you had the pleasure of tasting Thursday afternoon). Finally we analysed our own product based on its appearance, smell, texture and finally taste.


RE - In RE our big question this half term is Creation and science: conflicting or complementary? As a class we have listened to an interview with a NASA scientist who discusses how science has complimented her faith. We came up with questions we would like to ask the Scientist about how believing in cosmology effects her belief of Genesis and also discussed various other scientific professions that may conflict with our beliefs.


PE - This term we will be taking part in football and tag rugby for PE.

W/C 30/09/2024

This week:


English: This week in English we have completed our extended writes. Students wrote a diary entry form the perspective of Rose Blanche the main character in our vehicle text. We then spent soem time working through it and editing it effectively.


Maths: This week we have completed our topic of place value and looked at number lines to 1,000,000, compared and order numbers to 100,000 and to 1,000,000, rounded to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000. Students also completed an end of block assessment.


Music: In music we have continued to immerse ourselves in the songs of WW1 and WW2 and this week as a class we have sung and 'the white cliffs of Dover' and came up with actions to perform alongside it. We have also looked at the songs from WW1 and WW2 and compared the similarities and differences between the two.


RE - In RE our big question this half term is Creation and science: conflicting or complementary? As a class we will be having lots of in depth discussion surrounding this question. We have looked at the theory of cosmology and evolution and discussed how this fits into Cristian beliefs.


PE - This term we will be taking part in football and tag rugby for PE.

W/C 23/10

This week:


This week year 5's attended their residential at Hooke Court. Activities included; an evacuee workshop, a VE Day party, VE Day party games, compared WW1 and WW2 battle experiences, experienced the Trenches and had a Campfire in the Trenches before heading back on Wednesday. Please keep an eye out for photos that we will be uploading to our class page over the coming week.


English: This week in English we have completed our plans for a diary entry from the perspective of Rose Blanche. We have used imagery to convey how Rose Blanche would feel and also to describe the scene and the children she saw when she came across the concentration camp.


Maths: We have continued our topic of Place value and this week looked at partitioning numbers up to 1,000,000.


Music: In music we have continued to immerse ourselves in the songs of WW1 and this week as a class we have sung and come up with actions for 'pack up your troubles in your old kit bag'.

W/C 23/09


English - This week in English we have analysed our WAGOLL of a diary entry from the perspective of Rose Blanche. We have looked at what key grammatical features were used and analysed the key vocabulary putting it into context within our own writing. We have also chosen a scene from the book and written a first person account of how we would feel in that scenario.


Maths - This week in maths we have looked at numbers to 100,000, 1,000,000, read and wrote numbers to 1,000,000, looked at powers of 10 and finally 10/100/1,000/10,000/100,000 more or less.


Science - In Science this week we have continued to look at drag force and conducted an experiment to see what the effect of air resistant would have on the students in a race. To do this we have created parachutes and timed ourselves running with and without the parachute.


History - We have completed our history topic this term looking at how the war effected life on the home front, and finishing our topic by looking at what the impact of the war was.


Music - We have begun our new topic music looking at how song was used to boost morale during WWI. We listened to a number of songs analysing them and also learnt to sing one of these songs and performed actions to them.


RE - In RE our big question this half term is Creation and science: conflicting or complementary? As a class we will be having lots of in depth discussion surrounding this question. We have journaled on the creation story and summarise what we feel the story is about.


PE - This term we will be taking part in football and tag rugby for PE.

W/C - 09/09

English - This week in English we have been immersing ourselves in our new vehicle text. Students made a prediction based on some clues and an image from the text. We have arranged images in the order we felt they may appear in the books and also written a setting description based on images we have seen.


Maths - This week in maths we spent some time getting accustomed to the new maths platform magma maths. We have also started our new topic place value where we have looked at Roman numerals and place value up to 1000.


Science - In Science this week we have been looking at drag force and reinforced our understanding of the terms: air resistance, water resistance and friction. We then conducted an experiment to see if the friction would remain the same on different surface areas. Using a Newton metre we measured the force required to move an object across three different surfaces.


History - In History we have looked at different events that occurred throughout WWII and made an informed decision as to which event was the most significant turning point. We also attended our school trip at Blenheim Palace where we saw the Churchill exhibition and also took part in a secret service workshop solving clues at 7 different stations that were focused on seven different stages of WWII.


RE - In RE our big question this half term is Creation and science: conflicting or complementary? As a class we will be having lots of in depth discussion surrounding this question. 


PE - This term we will be taking part in football and tag rugby for PE.

W/C - 02/09


This week year 5 have focussed on History to immerse ourselves in the our new topic 'World At War'. Thank you so much to those children that dressed up as this added to the excitement of the activities. 


History: Over the last two days we have discussed why WWII was referred to as a global conflict and looked at the countries involved and whether they were in alliance with the Allied powers or the Axis powers. We have also looked at the causes for the second world war and how a lot of these could be see to be consequences of the first world war. We discussed the Blitz attack and what we would need to do in the event of an air raid. An air raid siren was played and students ensured they collected their gas marks and made their way the the Anderson shelter.


Science: This week in science we began our new topic of forces. We discussed the different types of forces there are and then looked at how unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object. ​We tested the theories of Aristotle and Galileo and also looked at the impact of air resistance on the surface area of an object.
