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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Our topic this term

W/C - 08/07-12/07

Maths: This week we have completed our of topic volume by looking at estimating capacity and completing our end of block assessment. We have also consolidated our knowledge of long multiplication ahead of next weeks end of term assessments. 


English: In English we have completed our explanation text as part of our 'write for pleasure' block of work. We then took time to edit these effectively against a checklist of grammatical features we have looked at over the past year.


RE: In Re this term we are looking at what it means to lead a good life. We held a lot of discussion around how the golden rule and looked at how the human rights act could ensure we lead a good life. We then looked back at what we felt was important to leading a good life and what factors influenced us.


Art: We have continued our art topic this week and we have completed the setting and flats for our scene. Once complete we evaluated our work and discussed what we felt our strengths were and what we found challenging.


PE: In PE this term we will be doing dance and athletics.


Year 6 take over: This Friday year six took over our class and lead the learning for the day. Our day started with Daily 5 and a fun activity involving co-ordinates. We then had an art lesson inspired by our school production Aladdin. We sketched designs of Aladdin's lamp into our books before painting them with water colours.

W/C 24/06-28/06

Maths: This week we have begun our new topic volume and looked at cubic centimetres, comparing volume and estimating volume.


English: In English we have planned our own explanation text as part of our 'write for pleasure' block of work. Students were asked to consider what subject they felt they were an expert in and plan an explanation text around this. We have spent some time focussing on the type of questions we could ask that are relative to our chosen subject and how we could structure the information within our text. We then took time to research these subjects further to ensure we have enough information to complete our explanation text.


RE: In Re this term we are looking at what it means to lead a good life. We held a lot of discussion around how the golden rule of different faiths and whether there was one overriding rule for leading a good life. We also looked how different faiths interpreted this rule and how it may effect their dietary requirements.


Science: This week we continued to look at our new topic electricity. We discussed the meaning of the words current and voltage, students conducted an experiment deciding on their own variable and how they would measure this. The results were recorded in a table and a conclusion drawn from the findings.


Art: We have continued our art topic this week and we have begun to create the flats and props for our stage. Our settings our now almost complete and ready for us to put the finishing touches on next week.


PE: In PE this term we will be doing dance and athletics.

W/C 17/06-21/06

Maths: This week we have completed our new topic converting units. We have looked at converting millimetres and millilitres, converting units of length, converting between metric and imperial units, converting units of time and calculating with timetables.


English: In English we have completed our explanation texts on the game Pok-a-tok. We have worked hard to ensure that we include key grammatical features necessary for year 5. We the spent some time working through an editing check list to ensure we completed our work to the best of our ability.


RE: In Re this term we are looking at what it means to lead a good life. We held a lot of discussion around famous philosophers Aristotle, Plato and Socrates and what they felt was significant to lead a good life. We then discussed the Golden Rule of philosophy and how we felt our school vision reflected this.


Science: This week we continued to look at our new topic electricity. We discussed the meaning of the words current and voltage and conducted an experiment to see how a change in voltage would effect the brightness of a bulb in a circuit.


Art: We have began our art topic this week and completed an artist study on the famous set designer Bob Crowley. We will be making a set design based on our upcoming production of Aladdin. Students have measured the stage and crafted one to scale out of a cardboard box. In their pairs they have then decided which scene they will be focussing on and designed the backdrops for the stage with this in mind.


PE: In PE this term we will be doing dance and athletics.

W/C 10/06-14/06


Maths: This week we have completed our new topic negative numbers looking at comparing and ordering negative numbers and finding the difference between two numbers. We have also began our new topic converting unit starting with kilograms and kilometres.


English: In English this term we will be looking at writing an explanation text on how to play pok-a-tok. We analysed what a good explanation text would look like and constructed a success criteria for what grammatical features we would need to include in our own work. We then researched our topic and completed our plans in preparation for starting out independent writes in the coming week.


RE: In Re this term we are looking at what it means to lead a good life. We held a lot of discussion about what it means to use personally and then ranked our priorities as a group.


Science: This week we began our new topic electricity we looked at some key electrical scientists and what they invented and also the symbols that are used universally for electrical circuits.


Music: In music we performed our own compositions on the recorder based on the Mayan Tribe and their use of music for spiritual significance as well as during conflict. 


PE: In PE this term we will be doing dance and athletics.

W/C 03/06-07/06

Maths: This week we have completed our new topic decimals. We have looked at: dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000 and multiplying and dividing decimals with missing values. We then completed our end of block test and began our new topic of negative numbers./



English: In English this term we will be looking at writing an instructional text on how to play pok-a-tok. We immersed ourselves in the topic by playing a game of pok-a-tok on the playground. We then analysed what a good instructional text would look like and constructed a success criteria for what grammatical features we would need to include in our own work.


RE: In Re this term we are looking at the big question 'How far does the mosque contribute to the Muslim concept of Ummah?' This week looked at the significance of Ramadan and what it means to Muslims.


Science: This week we continued our topic of light and created our own periscopes based on the understanding of how light travels.


PE: In PE this term we will be doing dance and athletics.

W/C 20/05-24/05

Maths: This week we have continued our new topic decimals. We have looked at: subtracting decimals with different numbers of decimal places,  efficient strategies for adding and subtracting decimals, decimal sequences and how to multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000.



English: In our English topic we completed our new block of writing 'writing for pleasure'. Students have written their own narrative based on the theme of challenging their fate. They have written and edited their work ready for publishing.


RE: In Re this term we are looking at the big question 'How far does the mosque contribute to the Muslim concept of Ummah?' This week looked at different symbols that appear in the Islam faith and the meaning behind them.


Science: This week we started our new topic of light. Students looked at how light travels and why shadows are formed. We also looked at how we are able to see objects by the light source reflecting off objects. We then tested this theory by creating mazes and using mirrors to re-direct that light source. We have also begun planning how we will create our own periscopes based on this understanding.


PE: In PE this term we will be doing tennis and cricket.

W/C 13/05-17/05

Maths: This week we have finished our topic of position and direction and completed our end of block assessment. We have also began our new topic decimals. We have used known facts to add and subtract decimals within 1, looked at complements to 1, added and subtracted decimals across 1, added decimals with the same number of decimal places and subtracted decimals with the same number of decimal places.



English: In our English topic we have began our new block of writing 'writing for pleasure'. Students are to write their own narrative based on the theme of challenging their fate. Students can make independent choices on the character, setting and content of their story. We have looked at different ways of generating ideas for our stories, how to develop our characters and how to effectively describe their setting.


RE: In Re this term we are looking at the big question 'How far does the mosque contribute to the Muslim concept of Ummah?' This week we have looked at how far does the Shahadah contribute to a sense of community for Muslims? 


Geography: This week in Geography we have looked at the challenges that face cacao farmers in Ghana and how fair trade aims to eliminate these problems.


PE: In PE this term we will be doing tennis and cricket.

W/C 06/05 - 10/05


Maths: This week in Maths we have started our new topic of position and direction. We have read and plotted coordinates, answered problem solving questions with coordinates, looked at translation, translation with coordinates and lines of symmetry.



English: In our English topic we have completed our own narratives describing events that would take place after the vehicle text. We have also began our next block of learning writing for pleasure where we have began to come up with some ideas for our own narrative using the theme 'challenging our fate'..


RE: In Re this term we are looking at the big question 'How far does the mosque contribute to the Muslim concept of Ummah?' This week we have looked at how far does the Shahadah contribute to a sense of community for Muslims? 


Geography: This week in Geography we have looked at where in the world Cocoa farms are. We have then looked at the leading consumers of chocolate and the process involved in making chocolate. Finally, we tracked the journey of a Cadbury chocolate bar and calculated the food miles from farm to shop and considered the impact of this on our environment.


PE: In PE this term we will be doing tennis and cricket.

W/C 29/04-03/05

Maths: This week in Maths we have continued our topic shape. We have been calculating angles around a point, calculating angles on a straight line, looked at Lengths and angles within a shape, looked at the differences between a regular and irregular polygons, looked at the faces edges and vertices of 3-D shapes and completed our end of block assessment.



English: In our English topic we have analysed what a good example narrative looks like based on 'The Rainplayer' by David Wisniewski. We then began to plan our own narrative describing events that would take place after the vehicle text. Once we had completed our plans, we then began writing the introduction to our narrative making sure we included the key vocabulary we have analysed previously.


RE: In Re this term we are looking at the big question 'How far does the mosque contribute to the Muslim concept of Ummah?' This week we have looked at how far does the Shahadah contribute to a sense of community for Muslims? 


DT: This week we revisited our DT topic as we were so impressed at the work produced in our groups we decided that each child should be given the opportunity to create their own chocolate box. Students made nets designed their chocolate box and then decorated them using watercolour. Each box included the weight, ingredients and nutritional advise for the chocolate.


PE: In PE this term we will be doing tennis and cricket.

W/C 22/04-26/04

Maths: This week in Maths we have begun our new topic of shape. Students have been understanding and using degrees, classified angles, estimated angles, measured angles up to 180°, and drawn lines and angles accurately.


English: In our English topic we have begun to immerse ourselves in our new vehicle text 'The Rainplayer' 

by David Wisniewski. We made predictions based on images from the text before reading through it and analysing the key grammatical features used by the author and made a decision about which of these to include in our own writing. We also looked at the key vocabulary used and applied this into our own sentences in context.


RE: In Re this term we are looking at the big question 'How far does the mosque contribute to the Muslim concept of Ummah?' We began this by looking at Why is it important for Muslims to have a community building?


History: We have continued our History topic this week by looking at what food the Maya ate and what was the significance of Maize and Cacao the the Maya people. We also completed fact-files looking at the various Gods that the Maya worshipped, we rated what we felt their most significant innovation was and gave reason as to why we felt they should be ordered in this way and we also looked at the various theories regarding why the Maya abandoned their cities in 900AD.


PE: In PE this term we will be doing tennis and cricket.

W/C 16/04-19/04

This week we have been immersing ourselves in our new topic 'Full of beans'. Students have completed their DT topic for the term and we also headed off to Cadbury World for our school trip. 


DT: This week we have designed, made and evaluated chocolate bar packaging, based on market research and product testing.


History: This week we have looked at the timeline for the Maya tribe. We have also looked at where in the world they were situated and some of the sketches Frederick Catherwood made of the Maya civilisation .

Summer Term Curriculum Bulletin
