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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


Year 5 teaching staff:





                                Class teacher - Ms Marskell

PE days this term will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. As of this term students are able to come into school on these days wearing their PE kits. As a reminder hoodies are no longer permitted and students should be wearing a polo shirt in their house colour, navy joggers or shorts and a navy 1/4 zip mid layer top embroidered with the School badge (alternatively students can wear their v neck school jumper or school cardigan). 

Our learning last week:


This week:


English - This week in English we have been immersing ourselves in our new vehicle text. Students made a prediction based on some clues and an image from the text. We have arranged images in the order we felt they may appear in the books and also written a setting description based on images we have seen.


Maths - This week in maths we spent some time getting accustomed to the new maths platform magma maths. We have also started our new topic place value where we have looked at Roman numerals and place value up to 1000.


Science - In Science this week we have been looking at drag force and reinforced our understanding of the terms: air resistance, water resistance and friction. We then conducted an experiment to see if the friction would remain the same on different surface areas. Using a Newton metre we measured the force required to move an object across three different surfaces.


History - In History we have looked at different events that occurred throughout WWII and made an informed decision as to which event was the most significant turning point. We also attended our school trip at Blenheim Palace where we saw the Churchill exhibition and also took part in a secret service workshop solving clues at 7 different stations that were focused on seven different stages of WWII.


RE - In RE our big question this half term is Creation and science: conflicting or complementary? As a class we will be having lots of in depth discussion surrounding this question. 


PE - This term we will be taking part in football and tag rugby for PE.
