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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium


The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to pupils who fall into one of the following categories: pupils looked after, pupils who are currently eligible for free school meals, pupils who are within a service family and pupils who have received free school meals in the last six years ('Ever 6' children). 


No one child is the same and thus this is reflected in the wide variety of ways the Pupil Premium is utilised.  The provision provided encompasses both direct approaches to ‘narrowing the gap’ and other more creative interventions which subsequently influence academic achievement and, very importantly, enhance the child’s social and emotional well-being.


We believe that the Pupil Premium should be used both to make an impact on the wider school and also to meet the specific needs of individuals in addition to and in different ways from our other interventions.


Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
