Welcome and Vision
Welcome from the Head of School

On behalf of all the children, staff and governors, I’d like to warmly welcome you to the White Waltham C of E Academy website. White Waltham School was first established in 1828 and has earned a reputation for providing an excellent and rounded education for children in White Waltham Village and further afield.
White Waltham School converted to academy status in September 2012 and was one of the founding schools of the Ashley Hill Multi Academy Trust.
We are a school that likes to celebrate success at every level. The life of the school is driven by enthusiasm and a desire to achieve. We promote learning that is active and creative and encourage children to embrace challenge and celebrate success. Our curriculum is purposefully broad and children have opportunities to participate in a wide range of cross-curricular activities as well as in music, performance and sport.
As a small, village school, we place a huge importance on the development of each unique child. We teach children the importance of responsibility and resilience, care and friendship and we all take great pride in everything that we achieve. We are a family community in which all members are valued and respected. Staff, children and parents all contribute to a welcoming and caring atmosphere in which spiritual values are of prime importance.
As a Church school, we have a Christian ethos which encompasses everything we do. We maintain a close connection with the Diocese of Oxford and we value our close links with St. Mary’s Church, White Waltham.
Thank you for taking the time to look at this website and finding out about the school. Should you wish to know any more, please feel free to make an appointment to talk with me or to be shown around the school.
Mrs Denham
Head of School
Our Vision
‘Encourage one another and build each other up’
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Our vision is deeply rooted in the biblical wisdom and Christian teaching of loving each other, encouraging and building each other up to achieve ones very best. Together we learn, love, achieve and succeed. Staff and students come together as one family to celebrate each other’s uniqueness, accomplishments, talents and gifts regardless of cultural, social, religious, economic or ethnic background. Every child is encouraged by the leadership, staff, parents and their peers to discover and grow their God-given talents and gifts to their fullest potential. We are a school family that believe by encouraging, inspiring and building each other up, we secure the best outcomes for every member of our school community.