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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!




Our value for this term:


Our value for this term is service.




Our learning last week:


Last week, in literacy, we began our new writing unit based on the Ancient Maya. Our vehicle text is called 'Rain Player' and the children will be writing a narrative based on the theme of fate vs free will. We identified our product goals for writing and analysed how the author has tried to convey character through dialogue. We have also started our revision sessions for SATs. In history, we have been learning about the Ancient Maya - this has included identifying their accomplishments and achievements and ranking them based on significance.



Our learning this week:


This week, in literacy, we will remind ourselves of imagery and use these literary techniques to write an imagery poem about the Maya god of rain: Chac. We will also begin to think about our own writing outcomes, which will be a short narrative using the theme of fate vs free will, based on the story of 'Rain Player'. In history, we will finish off learning about the Maya are identify reasons why the civilisation collapsed. In geography, we will be locating countries around the world that grow cacao, manufacture chocolate and consume chocolate. We will also be exploring trade routes and how food miles impacts the environment. 
