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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!




Please continue to practise learning your lines and singing actor parts/whole school sections of the songs - you will find these on the 'Children' banner at the top of the page.





Our value for this term:


Our value for this term is thankfulness.




Our learning last week:


Last week, we continued to finish off publishing our stories and explanation texts, as well as finishing off our stages based on scenes in the Aladdin production. We had our Year 6 Takeover Day on the Friday, which the children were fantastic in - they had planned and delivered some really exciting activities and performed brilliantly on a chaotic and exhausting day. We continued with rehearsals for our school production and continued to answer our RE question for the term: 'How can we live a good life?'. 



Our learning this week:


This week, we will aim to begin project-based learning through the White Rose mathematics curriculum. We will also aim to finish off any other outstanding tasks, continue with our RE question for the term and complete our learning in science about light and electricity.
