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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


Our learning last week (8th-12th July):


A huge thank you to everyone this week for your kind words and understanding after our inspection. Next week the children will be in their new Year 2 classroom with Miss Hollands. In the afternoon, I will move to the Year 2 classroom to be back with the class and I will also dismiss them to you. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to watch our production of Aladdin on Tuesday evening.



In English this week, we have finished our diary entries as the character of William from the night gardener. We really enjoyed challenging ourselves to produce a piece of writing which was high quality ready for our move to Year 2 next week!



This week in Maths we have finished our final unit of time. We learnt to tell the time to half past the hour and to use the language of before and after to describe a timetable of our day. We also matched events to the time, such as starting school at half past 8.



In PE this term we will be focussing on athletics and dance. We have had a brilliant time this week showing off our dance during a whole school rehearsal ready for next week's production!


