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White Waltham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Photo Gallery

Maths - Learning about months of the year and days of the week by creating our own calendars

Geography - Creating watercolour maps of where we live

Maths - Learning about coins and notes

Science - summer time walk to explore seasonal changes

Science - exploring the 5 senses with smell pots and food tasting

Art - Creating stick people from members of the community inspired by the work of Chris Kenny

Art - Sketching and painting members of the community using watercolour

Art - Taking a natural object and turning into a new sculpture

English - making predictions about our story ‘The Night Gardener’

Computing - Exploring algorithms using beebots

DT - Our model village of White Waltham!

DT - constructing our model village of White Waltham

DT - Our buildings for our model village of White Waltham

DT - Making a model village of White Waltham

RE - A trip to Maidenhead Synagogue

PE - Tennis - Racket control

DT - Exploring joining techniques (flange and L-brace)

Science - Labelling our body parts and senses

History - creating herbal remedies inspired by Mary Seacole

Geography - a local walk around White Waltham Village

Painting our clay masks

Maths - exploring capacity and length/height

English - creating Bog Baby habitats

Science - spring time walk

World Book Day

Sponsored Bounce

Author Visit - Coral Rumble

STEM Week - Computing - Creating stop motion films

STEM Week - Design Technology - Our Final Mobiles

STEM Week - Design Technology - Making our mobiles

Computing - Our spring tree artwork inspired by David Hockney

DT - Our completed chassis with wheels and axels

DT - Creating a chassis, wheels and axels for our snow rescue vehicle

Geography - Arctic Circle Hats

Maths - Partitioning numbers to 20 into tens and ones using mathematical resources

Immersion Days - Frozen Art

Immersion Days - Ice Investigation

Immersion Days - Arctic Dioramas

Immersion Days - Igloo Building

Bauble Workshop

Christmas Lunch

Trip to The Tower of London

English - Freeze Frames of The King Who Banned the Dark

History - The Great Fire of London - Role Play of the Key Events

Rhian Lynette - Author Visit

Geography - Our posters about the countries of the UK

Maths - Addition with numbers to 10 using a tens frame

English - 'The King Who Banned the Dark' - Conscience alley to help the king decide whether to ban the dark or not

RE and Art Week - Clay - Our Favourite Animals

RE and Art Week - Noah's Ark Story Wheels

DT - Creating our moving pictures including a slider and lever mechanism

RE - The Creation Story Day by Day

DT - Creating slider and lever mechanisms

Art - Creating Picasso inspired portraits

Maths - Representing numbers to 10 using a tens frame

Art - Colour mixing

Maths - Sorting objects into groups

English - Hot Seating the character of the witch from the story of 'Rapunzel'

Once Upon a Time - The 3 Little Pigs Houses

Immersion Days - Creating fairytale homes

Immersion Days - Beanstalk making in the classroom
